Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Secondary Title



To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Creating community beyond floors and doors.


  • Connect with others
  • Grow together in faith and love of others as we grow together in Christ. 
  • Serve in active faith together. 

First united methodist church presents

True north vbs

July 14, 2025 - July 17, 2025

8:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Volunteers Needed!

Are you interested in helping out or attending VBS this year? Scan the QR code below to register either as a participant or volunteer! We are so excited to see where the Lord takes us this summer!

Click Here appstorealt


Weekly announcements

We have a lot of exciting things happening at FUMC. Take a look at the video down below to see what's going on this week!


Volunteer Opportunities

We are always looking for volunteers to serve our church and our community! If you are interested in trying out a position, contact the church office! 

Tech Booths

Someone to help run sound, slides, lights, and cameras at the first or second service! 

Volunteers will be able to watch what happens in our tech booths and then do it themselves! 

Host / Hostess

8:15-8:30 and 9:30-9:45

1-2 Sundays a month

Volunteers will help serve coffee and treats to our congregation and be the welcoming faces for newcomers! 

Bus Driver

Pick up our friends at Southview

One Sunday a month


No special liscence needed and training is provided by the church!